December 1, 2014
Annual Gardens at Temple in July 2014
It is especially nice to dig out summer photos in December when the temperature is down in the teens and the sky is grey. Here are some photos from July of the annual gardens near the front entrance of the Spokane Temple. Above on the left you can see 'King Tut' papyrus, which has been a great performer for us for several years.
Above you see the 'Bordeaux' supertunias are just getting started with their rambunctious growth. I can't remember the exact cultivar of coleus that we planted, but you can see how interesting it is with touches of maroon at the base of the lime leaves. Tall 'Senorita Rosalita' cleome is a sturdy performer and attracts butterflies. In summer we often had sulphurs and cabbage whites fluttering about.
We use a lot of mauve in the annual beds to tie in to the permanent Liatris plantings at the back of this shot. Clouds of 'Diamond Frost' euphorbia, purple alyssum and light blue lobelia add airiness to the annual design in contrast to the chunky petunias and lime green sweet potato vine.
Last week during a blessed thaw we planted the tulips and other bulbs in these beds, and we dug up several sweet potato tubers from these 'Marguerite' vines. My husband and another volunteer tried a slice. Hmmm . . . interesting, they said. We didn't take them home to add to the Thanksgiving table.
This area is becoming more lovely each year as the permanent shrubs and trees mature. In this shot the berries on the large 'Wentworth' cranberry bushes at right are just starting to turn cheery red. By December many of them have turned to brown mush after single digit temperatures, but they were pretty for several months.
Above silvery licorice vine (Helichrysum) and the sweet potato vine clamber happily over the front wall of the 'Spiral' beds. By the time the annuals were removed in October, they had grown large and lovely. We didn't plant any along the other edge of the bed since they crawl over the sidewalk and have to be cut back frequently.
This is a final shot of the area just outside the gates. Deer or rabbits munch on the petunias if we plant them farther away from the gate, but the lights deter them, so we have a few on each side. Silver dusty miller and plum '3D Purple' African daisies (Osteospermum) stretch out in front of the mauve daylilies. It's nice to look forward to the beauty awaiting next year while taking a break from gardening chores for a few months.
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