January 13, 2015
Bouquet of English Roses, Hydrangea, Snowberry and Honeysuckle
This vase from early September makes use of my two workhorse English roses, creamy 'Crocus Rose' and mauve 'Charles Rennie Mackintosh.' Both of these roses last well when cut, and they're both planted in less prominent positions so I don't mind stripping them of their flowers for arrangements.
I put this bouquet together with one hand holding the arrangement and the other pressing more flowers into the mix, then slipped the whole thing into a carafe.
Inflorescences from 'Little Lime' hydrangea shrubs made great fillers around the roses. Earlier in the season the hydrangeas were completely green, but by this point they had started turning rosy-pink around the edges.
Bouquets look best when I can find and include both fully and partially opened blooms, plus some tight buds.
I love how the contrasting shapes of English roses work together.
Frilly leaves from 'Flore Pleno' Filipendula hexapetala (a.k.a. dropwort, but I love saying Filipendula so I use that term) add deep notes of green. Stems of snowberries (Symphoricarpos) add another touch of interest.
Finally, curvy stems of 'Hall's Purple' honeysuckle soften the tight bouquet as they flow gracefully downward.
WOW! This is really beautiful! I just love everything about it. :o)