The backyard is slowly starting to show color. I read in a recent article that Washington is the only state in the nation to have a cooler than average spring. But the 'Millstream Daphne' creeping phlox and 'Gloria' aubrieta groundcovers are finally in full bloom above.
In this photo one of the 'Royal Raindrops' crabapple trees echoes the blooms of a 'Velvet Lips' hellebore below.
From this angle you can see the almost finished addition on the back of our home. Eight months into our 2.5 month project, we're nearly done! And yes, it went over budget as well. That's just construction, I guess.
This photo shows the three 'Royal Raindrops' crabapple trees with buds fully open. Green leaves are filling in the garden below.
A shot of the southeast corner of the backyard reveals a 'Spring Snow' crabapple that has dropped most of its petals by this point. The 'Katherine Havemeyer' lilacs don't have as many blooms this year as last year, but there have been plenty for me to cut and share with neighbors.
The path directly east of the house features chartreuse leaves against mauve and sky blue flowers. The crabapple petals cover the ground like snow.
Last summer I transplanted several 'Jack Frost' and 'King's Ransom' brunnera plants to this area, and their true blue blooms are a welcome addition to the color palate. Brunnera is one of my favorite plants for shade with beautiful leaves that sparkle after the flowers fade. A few 'Negrita' tulips are reblooming this spring after being planted a couple of years ago, and a 'June' hosta is colorful at bottom left.
A final shot of the east path includes 'Lime Rickey' heuchera, 'Red Sensation' aubrieta and a mauve creeping phlox whose name is forgotten. It's an exciting time of year in the garden, as many more flowers will open in the next few weeks. Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers Bloom Day to help us document our flowers each month.