Rose season is going strong right now in the garden. Above is 'Eglantyne' in the front yard. You can see one of the 'Heartthrob' Korean dogwood trees in the background. These pretty trees have been blooming for several weeks now.

Here is the view from the other side with 'Walker's Low' Nepeta (catmint) in front. This bush is actually three plants placed eighteen inches apart so they grow together, which is the way David Austin recommends growing his English roses.

Up close the second flush of blooms are ready to open. This rose is still reaching toward its mature size.

'Eglantyne' is soft and fluffy and pink. Very feminine. The fragrance is not strong but it's nice if you get close enough. My neighbor just told me that she can smell my garden as she walks past. I told her that's probably much nicer than smelling the gardener.

Here is 'Crocus Rose' in the backyard with a 'Fine Line' Rhamnus (buckthorn) at the rear.

'Teasing Georgia' is finally filling out the trellis. I planted a lavender 'Mrs. Cholmondeley' clematis at the base the spring, and it's already twining up several feet high through the rose. It will be pretty next year. More catmint and violet 'May Night' Salvia (sage) are growing in front.

Here is a closer shot of 'Teasing Georgia'. Its color is more yellow than I captured in this photo.

'Harlow Carr' recovered from transplanting this spring to throw out a few little blooms. I'm considering another transplant this fall, unfortunately. It would be nice if I could figure out exactly how I want the garden at the beginning instead of playing musical chairs with my plants, but that just isn't happening.

And here's a final shot of 'Abraham Darby' in the evening light. This is probably the rose that my neighbor is smelling when she walks by. It smells lemony and completely delicious. AD is tied with 'Lady Emma Hamilton' - from which I cut a vaseful yesterday - for my favorite fragrant rose.