May 13, 2014

Tulip, Hellebore and Lilac Floral Arrangement

This spring the garden has offered some interesting flowers for arrangements.  Tulips, hellebores and lilacs are the main players in the vase above.  I have made several similar ones over the past week.

Peony-flowering 'Blue Spectacle' tulips add mauvey-plum or plummy-mauve or some color like that.  I love how their stems curve to make a soft and flowing arrangement.

'Double Queen' hellebores have aged from cream to green but they still work well in an arrangement.  Hellebore blooms last a long time in the garden or in the vase.

'Katherine Havemeyer' lilacs make a good filler and add that yummy lilac scent to the creation. 

Muscari paradoxum are a deeper color than regular grape hyacinths.  The buds have a turquoise sheen, then they open to pure navy.

The fluffy white stuff is 'Victoria' rhubarb.  Have I mentioned that I'm completely in love with rhubarb for its ornamental qualities?  Everyone who visits the garden comments on it - it's about five feet tall right now in bloom.  The huge ruffled leaves are beautiful and the flowers work well in arrangements.

I also used several stems of 'June Bride' heuchera buds to add a dainty touch.  In this arrangement I forgot to include variegated Solomon's seal (Polygonatum), but it is a useful foliage addition to vases.

If I had unlimited resources, I would bring spring flowers to everyone.  But since I am not superwomen, please enjoy this vase via photos.  Happy spring!


  1. What a beautiful arrangement! You have a gift for combinations for sure. Thanks for sharing your lovely bouquet! Happy May :)

  2. Hi VW,

    Lovely arrangement... As much as I love being able to fill my own vases, I'm always perhaps too mean in my arrangements because I want blooms in the garden... Perhaps this is a lesson to plant more??? I don't think that's possible though.

    Your muscari is gorgeous; definitely one to get in future.

    1. I know what you mean - it's hard to take flowers from the garden. In this case, I had several large pots of tulips so a few missing weren't noticeable. The hellebores were covered up by the leaves by this point, there are 6 large lilacs with plenty of flowers, and I also had plenty of M. paradoxum. Multiple numbers of the same type of shrub make it easy to find enough fillers for bouquets with just a few showy flowers.

  3. I'm not one for flowers in a vase but I could admire these displays all day long. Very creative!


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