April 9, 2014

A Pop of Tulipa Humilis Violacea

My spring garden is looking more vibrant than ever with the addition of a new species tulip, Tulipa humilis violacea.  This short pink flower is a much earlier bloomer than any other tulips in my yard.  It even beat the 'Grand Maitre' crocus planted in this area.

The foliage grows nearly horizontal, and the buds stretch out in sinuous shapes before they finally reach up for the sun.
The color is an incredibly vivid pink above a black base.  They open under a bright sky, even if the sun isn't out.
I planted Chionodoxa (Glory of the Snow) and violet 'Grand Maitre' crocus in the same holes as the tulips but a little shallower.  The three cool colors work well together.
So often bulb combinations don't come out quite the way I expect.  This one turned out better than I imagined, for once.
All of these perennializing bulbs should return and multiply each year since they're in a well-drained, sunny spot.  Many tulips only bloom well for one year, and it's too much work for me to replace them each year.  I love perennial bulbs!


  1. How pretty! I hardly ever end up with tulips even if I plant them - too many things eat them before they can bloom, including the voles, sadly. I hope they will come back again for you next year. They are such a gorgeous color!

  2. What a stunning color! ANd a sweet little shape!

  3. They look so pretty mixed in with the crocus. They make a beautiful addition to the spring garden.


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