Today is June Bloom Day with
May Dreams Garden Blog, so here are some photos of the flowers from this morning. We have had a long, cool spring here in Spokane Valley, Washington State. The Ambassador alliums are in full bloom right now. These are the most vigorous of the allium bulbs in my garden. They multiply each year, their color is rich and deep, and their flowers last for a long time.
Two Galaxy Blue agapanthus plants are new additions this spring. I have planted 'hardy' agapanthus cultivars in my zone 6 garden before and they've either languished or disappeared altogether. This new introduction from Walters Gardens is supposed to be a vigorous perennial for zone 6, so I am hopeful that they will come back as promised next year. I also planted two Galaxy white agapanthus from the same series. I miss agapanthus from our time in California, so these cultivars are very exciting for me.
A Masterpiece lupine blooms with the last of the Medallion poppies, Globemaster alliums, April Night salvia and Caradonna salvia. A newly planted Boulder Blue fescue is shown at front. I've become a big fan of these evergreen (everblue?) grasses for their year-round contribution of peaceful steel-blue color.
Prairie Dusk penstemon is in full bloom in front of a Red Dragon contorted filbert. I thought these penstemons would be July-bloomers, but I was wrong. Oh well, they look nice with the rest of the June show.
Big Blue or Sapphire Blue sea hollies are in bloom and starting to turn cobalt. I planted both types, only one has started to flower, and I can't remember which one it is.
In the West garden the Walker's Low catmint is in full glory, the Stella d'Oro daylilies are overgrown and asking for division, and the Crown Princess Margareta and Teasing Georgia roses are blooming lightly on the trellises.
Blue Moon wisteria is blooming and smells wonderful. I have two planted in the garden and they're not huge yet, but they bloom each year.
The climbing hydrangea is in bloom with white bleeding heart, Green Spice heuchera and mukdenia in the background.
Green Lotus peony has such an interesting flower. They're still standing up despite lots of rain.
Both of the Korean Heartthrob dogwood trees have been in glorious soft pink bloom for over a week. They're loving the cool, wet weather.
My Kopper Kettle Itoh peony is nearly finished blooming. I have it growing where honey locust trees allow the emerging peony foliage full sun before the trees leaf out in May, then provide light shade when the peony is in bloom so the flowers don't fade as much.